The four secrets of cancer defeaters
It is widely believed that there is no cure for this deadly illness called cancer. So when the doctor says “you have cancer”, every one is shocked and terrified as if it is a death sentence. But there are many people who have defeated cancer to become cancer free, even from advanced stages and/or with the deadliest types of cancer. They are among those who had been told by their doctors that they did not have much time left. But they did not believe the prognosis . They are neither among those who easily believe and follow advices like “taking this herb or that fruit to cure cancer” Instead, they decided to fight for their life and never gave up. They worked hard to find out from health experts and research publications what causes cancer and what makes cancer thrive. They then took actions to remove the causes and changed their body internal environment so that cancer cells could no longer thrive in their body. As they suffered different types of cancer, at different stages and w...