The four secrets of cancer defeaters

It is widely believed that there is no cure for this deadly illness called cancer.

So when the doctor says “you have cancer”, every one is shocked and terrified as if it is a death sentence.

But there are many people who have defeated cancer to become cancer free, even from advanced stages and/or with the deadliest types of cancer. 

They are among those who had been told by their doctors that they did not have much time left. But they did not believe the prognosis . They are neither among those who easily believe and follow advices like “taking this herb or that fruit to cure cancer”

Instead, they decided to fight for their life and never gave up. They worked hard to find out from health experts and research publications what causes cancer and what makes cancer thrive.

They then took actions to remove the causes and changed their body internal environment so that cancer cells could no longer thrive in their body.

As they suffered different types of cancer, at different stages and with different medical and health support, the experiences they shared are not similar. But there are four common secrets that are key to their success.

I called them secrets because they are not clearly stated in what they shared.

1. First they firmly believed and were confident they would defeat the cancer. This is their most important secret. They could live with peace of mind and hope instead of fear, anxiety, stress and despair. 

This state of their minds reduced oxidative stress and inflammation, eliminated free radicals and strengthened their immune system. 

As a result, one of the important causes of cancer was removed from their bodies

2. Secondly, they followed an anti-cancer diet, with or without surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy. To them, what foods and drinks to avoid is as critical as what foods and drinks to take. By avoiding foods and drinks that are harmful to the body, another important cause of cancer was thus removed.

3. Thirdly,  they starved cancer – depriving cancer cells of their desired nutrition by -fasting or by taking suitable off-label drugs. Most of them did water fasting at least 3 days not only to stop cancer from spreading but also to shrink cancer tumors. 

Thanks to fasting before and  during conventional treatments, many did not suffer the adverse side effects of conventional treatments while gaining their maximum benefits.

4. Fourthly, they regularly participated in active physical activities.

Active physical activities helped them reduce stress and inflammation, improved their digestion, their immune system, and their sleep. Research confirms that exercise has similar impacts as fasting. It triggers the autophagy process in the body. The more physical activities the faster the tumors shrink.

In addition, resistance of cancer cells to chemo and radiation therapies is lower when oxygen level in blood is elevated by physical activities.

Following are how these four secrets helped them defeated cancer.

1. Positive state of mind : Their belief and confidence that they will defeat cancer is the most important secret. With this firm belief, they could live with peace of mind and hope instead of fear, anxiety, stress and despair.

This state of mind reduced oxidative stress and inflammation, eliminated free radicals and strengthened their immune system. 

As a result, one of the important causes of cancer was removed from their bodies.

2. Anticancer diet: To have an anticancer diet is to avoid  foods that feed cancer cells such as glucose fast releasing foods like sugar,  sugar added foods, white bread, white rice, pasta, white flour noodles, sugary drinks…

It also means to stop consuming toxic foods and drinks such as

Processed foods, red meat, Ensure milk, refined vegetable oils like canola oil, soya bean oil, burnt meat or fish…vv.. And alcohol, 

To stop consuming the above foods and drinks is to remove or reduce toxin and inflammation, which is another important cause of cancer and tumor spreading.

On the positive side, following  an anti cancer diet is to eat and drink only foods with anticancer properties, which would weaken, starve or kill cancer cells.

Anti cancer foods mainly consist of plant based foods - such as cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans, and legumes, mushrooms, 

Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, perilla oil.

Properly cooked beans, nuts and seeds and well cooked free range eggs, are good sources of protein in anti cancer diets

Drinks that have anti cancer properties are green tea, filtered water, fruit and vegetable juice.

Turmeric, garlic, berries, mushroom, green tea; and nuts and seeds were highlighted as important anticancer foods by many of the victors.

No single food or drink can be effective enough in fighting or preventing cancer. Each has different effects on cancer. At the same time, each type of cancer is different in its ways of damaging the body. That is why the victors consumed a good variety of healthy foods. 

In fact, this sort of diet is recommended by World Health Cancer Research Fund and Cancer Organisations of many countries for cancer prevention.The difference is that those cancer victors stopped, instead of just limiting the consumption of foods that may cause cancer.

Thanks to this anticancer diet, those who went through chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy had fewer and milder side effects, while gaining more effective results of the therapies.

Those who did not use chemo and radiotherapy found that this anti-cancer diet stopped cancer from spreading and gradually shrank the tumors.This diet also helped prevent cancer from returning .

3. To starve cancer by fasting or by off label drugs. 

3.1 Fasting: Most people are scared of fasting as they think it is too hard and they can never do it. In fact, every one fasts daily. When we have dinner at 6 pm and eat nothing until breakfast at 7-8 am, we fast 13-14 hours. Delaying breakfast  1 extra hour each day for 4-5 days, our daily fasting would be 18 hours.

When we don’t eat anything (but drink water) for 16 hours, all nutrients provided by the previous meal are used up, including those stored in our liver. 

The body starts using body fat as fuel. The liver breaks down fatty acids, turned them to ketones to be used as fuel for all living cells in the body.

Ketones are also signaling molecules, which initiate reduction of inflammation, DNA repair, especially in brain and nervous tissues. They also lead to an increased level human growth hormone and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), resulting better brain health, and improved insulin sensitivity. 

When we fast 18 hours, the body starts a rejuvenation process called autophagy. In this process, normal body cells digest and remove old and dysfunctional proteins that build up inside cells.

At the same time, our body cells change gene expression to improve “protection against disease” (1), including our defense against cancer... 

Research points out that cancer cells can not use ketones as fuel while  retaining development nature. On the other hand, normal cells enter the maintenance mode, even in hair follicles and digestive system. That is why thanks to fasting, cancer victors saw their tumors not only stopped spreading but also shrunk significantly. At the same time, they had fewer and milder side effects, if any, the effects of  chemo and radiotherapy  were better.

The longer cancer victors could do water fasting the faster their tumors would shrink. 

3.2 Using off label drugs is an an alternative way of starving cancer cells , discovered by Jane  McLelland in the UK, after nearly 10 years of her personal fight against 3 types of cancer. Two times the cancer was in terminal stage. 

Becoming cancer free in 2004, she has helped many people successfully treat cancer with this method In 2018, she published a best selling book entitled “How to starve cancer without starving yourself” with the support of many doctors and oncologists. 

Digging up research publications, Jane found that cancer cells rely on glucose , glutamine protein, and fatty acids to live and grow. With more research, she also found 

Metformin, a drug for type 2 diabetes, prevents cancer cells’ access to glucose and insulin.

Dipyridamole, a cardiovascular drug for prevening stroke,  “stops protein from getting into cancer cells” (2)

Statin, a drug for lowing cholesterol, cuts off cancer cell’s access to fat.

Jane took these 3 off-label drugs together while being positive and following an anticancer diet, she starved cancer cells and became cancer free. 

However, to be able to use these off label drugs to starve cancer cells, we need the support of a doctor. Otherwise we can’t get the drugs. Not all doctors are ready to give support to such an unorthodox way of treating cancer. But with diligent searches, we can surely find an integrative or holistic doctor who will help.

4. To actively participate in physical activities is the fourth secret that helped many people defeat cancer.

Why? Because active physical activities help reduce stress and inflammation, improve digestion, immune system and sleep. Research confirms that exercise has similar impacts as fasting. It triggers the autophagy process in the body. The more physical activities the faster the tumors shrink..

In addition, research pointed out that when oxygen level in blood is low, cancer cells have high resistance to chemo and radiation therapies. 

A 4th stage pancreatic cancer victor shared that when he heard that physical activities are important for cancer treatment, he started cycling. At first he was so weak that he could not lift a bike. He started with much difficulty  but gradually he could do on average 150 km per week before and while doing chemotherapy. As a result, the side effects of chemotherapy were negligible, while its effectiveness was so good to free him from cancer in the end.

In summary, cancer is not a death sentence because it has been defeated by many people.

They are those who chose to fight with confidence. They followed an anticancer diet. They fasted or used off label drugs to starve cancer. And they engaged in regular physical activities to further weaken cancer. 

With or without conventional treatments they defeated cancer with those four secrets. Everyone, rich or poor, can defeat cancer with these simple and inexpensive formula. 

These secrets can also be very effective for preventing cancer. 

For prevention, however, we only need to limit as much as we can, instead of totally avoiding sugar added foods, processed foods, red meat and alcohol. etc

A few times of fasting 18-24 hours in a week may be enough to help eliminate body’s toxic waste, strengthen our immune system and significantly reduce risk factors for cancer.

Positive state of mind with confidence as well as active physical activities are also two essential parts not to be neglected if we want to prevent cancer effectively. 

Cancer prevention like that will also enhance our overall health.

Not only they prevent cancer but also reduce risk factors for many other chronic diseases, such as dementia, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney failure…

Please note that this post is only for your information. 

However, I hope that its content will help you or your loved ones face cancer or prevent cancer positively with confidence. And that cancer will no longer cause you and your loved ones worries or despair.  



Foods to aadd and avoid during cancer treatment

Cancer prevention recommendations by WHO:

Interview of stage 4 pancreatic cancer defeater:

Can we eat to starve cancer

How plant based diet can help cancer patient

How Chris beat cancer

from stage 3 colon cancer to no cancer detected in 4 months

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